Decision-Making & Your Wise Self

Decision-Making & Your Wise Self

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What if you could make decisions while feeling more aligned with your “Wise Self”? It’s quite extraordinary to experience this shift and witness it in others. Here’s how one client did it…

True Story

“Jen’s” job was no longer bearable. She felt like a lone island surrounded by a sea of sharks at a tech startup. She said to me, “How could they miss all the glaring warning signs on this project? Are they stupid or just not paying attention? Why did they hire me if they’re not going to listen to me?! I’ve had it! …But it’s so stressful to look for another job.”

Jen was burnt out, frustrated and conflicted. She needed to decide if/when to look for another job and how to keep her sanity meanwhile.

We used several advanced mindfulness tools to develop her muscle of wiser decision-making while creating a sense of equanimity, which resulted in a higher quality-of-life. Here are a few…

AWARENESS TOOL – Jen and I dove in by unpacking the problem and increasing her awareness about the situation, people involved, and what she had control over.

TIP – Decisions become obvious when you’re able to access your inner wisdom. Raising awareness starts the process. Notice if you are confused by conflicting desires. Or perhaps you’re aware of a distant whisper of reason, but the anxious, angry voices in your head take over.

WELLNESS TOOLS – Jen’s first action items were to release anger and leave work earlier to de-stress. Then she said, “I realize no place is perfect, maybe I could stay if I learn how to witness and take action without being reactive.”

TIP – Don’t make decisions when you’re angry.

WISDOM TOOL – Over several sessions, we developed her skill to distinguish between the Small Self (self-righteous, fear-based ego, that demands perfection, in this case) and the Wise Self (the one that knows which choice to make – amidst competing desires – and can identify the gut sense that confirms it).

TIP – You won’t make good decisions if you let your Small Self run the show.

RESULT – Jen is a successful leader in tech who is learning to accept imperfection in others and herself, draw better boundaries, and, most importantly, discern which “voices” in her head to listen to that generate better decisions. Plus she found a new job with people she respects, in a company that provides her more meaningful work. She says she’s much calmer now, enjoying her husband, friends and time off with a clearer head.

WANT SUPPORT? – Would you like to grow a wiser decision-making process to create a more fulfilling life? Setup a Free Experience Call. Reference this blog for a 30% discount (for new clients).

It’s incredibly rewarding to guide clients to higher and higher quality-of-life!

~ Monique Martineau Contact me.